

A leaf slowly fell
The last one I saw of home
Without looking back

(Last Updated: 5 / 11 / 2024)
(I'm not a native speaker, please contact me regarding any errors in translation)




Crunch of grass each step
Silence among the forest
Skies of crashing stars

(Last Updated: 5 / 11 / 2024)
(I'm not a native speaker, please contact me regarding any errors in translation)




A leaf slowly fell
Falling off hallow tree husks
A cold arctic jail

(Last Updated: 5 / 11 / 2024)
(I'm not a native speaker, please contact me regarding any errors in translation)




Her voice was pleasant
Words begetting promises
Two doves fly eastward

(Last Updated: 5 / 11 / 2024)
(I'm not a native speaker, please contact me regarding any errors in translation)




A leaf slowly fell
One cherry blossom dancing
A signal of spring

(Last Updated: 5 / 11 / 2024)
(I'm not a native speaker, please contact me regarding any errors in translation)




Sailing in a sieve
Her words disappeared like ash
Burning mast and sails

(Last Updated: 5 / 11 / 2024)
(I'm not a native speaker, please contact me regarding any errors in translation)




A leaf slowly fell
And I don't want another
Leaf to fall again.

(Last Updated: 5 / 11 / 2024)
(I'm not a native speaker, please contact me regarding any errors in translation)

Ky,    He/Him ,    25

USA ,    MST

Famfrit ,    Primal

Hey there! I go by Ky (or Kai), and I've been immersed in XIV for nearly five years, roleplaying for about two. With experiences in forums, platforms, D&D/Tabletop, and more, I'd say I'm pretty versatile.As a 21+ roleplayer, I can be a bit picky with who/what I roleplay, but I'm adaptable. I'm mostly looking for roleplay that focuses on character development, exploring dark/philosophical themes, and worldbuilding. You'll often find me with my partner and/or exploring venues looking lost or serious. And fair warning, I only privately RP with those ages 21+ regardless of the roleplay thematically.Ultimately, I'm here to make friends, craft engaging stories of any length, and spark creativity for my own writing. Let's roleplay, get close, and/or tackle content together!!

In-Game Preferences:

     walk - up        yes        |             tells        yes        |             plotting        yes        |             e-rp        no

It's me!

Acceptable RP:

  • In-Game

  • Discord

  • Combat

  • One Shot

  • Rivalries/Enemies

  • Close Relationships

Unacceptable RP:

  • Nonsensical Lore-Breaking

  • Character Death

  • God-Mode

  • ERP

  • OOC Romance

Discussable RP:

  • Injury or Harm

  • Temporary Incapacitation

  • Captivity or Restraint

  • Threats to Safety

  • Threats to Psyche

All you really need to know is that long as we can keep each other engaged, I'm open to various ideas. While I'm not a walking FFXIV Encyclopedia, I'm passionate about the game's lore and worldbuilding. I'm always up for researching or discussing any aspect of the lore for my characters and roleplays. Rules are flexible here; if you explain your reasoning clearly, I'm usually onboard. It's all a creative outlet for me, so my main goal is to relax, have a good time, and watch my character go through some shit.When it comes to the actual game, there's a surprising amount I have yet to do. Farming mounts, leveling classes, Gold Saucer, and a lot of etc are all stuff I'm interested in doing, just never really get around to since I like playing with friends (I mostly hang out with my partner catching up on content or levelling I haven't done yet) and my FC. If you're reading this then just know that I am most definitely procrastinating on something to do with the actual gameplay.But I also mod a lot!! From custom upscales, custom hair mash-ups, and asymmetrical brows, lashes, to custom drawn irises and light artwork and design, I generally specialize and take custom commission requests for modders' personal character edits. A lot of the features on my character were custom made or edited by myself for myself. I offer a variety of services for those apart of the RP community and even customize things for my close friends free of charge, so feel free to get in contact with me through these platforms if you want to learn more information about anything I have to offer!


  Name    Kyori Lunara  |  Kyr-kaja Djt-Dvre
  Pronunciation    kyo•ree | loo•NAH•rah.
  Meaning   "Kyori" (from "Kyr-kaja,") Hingan for "Distance," | "Lunara," inspired by samurai legends.
  Title   Mazoku Battōsai, or 'Battōsai' for short, given to him by the Hingan shogunate in his wanted posters. Hingan for "Sword-Drawing Demon."
  Aliases    The Vagabond: Through rumors spread in forests by villagers and spirits as he made his way west. Ky/Kai: Given to him by close friends. Lyn: Given to him by the people he worked along side with in the Restoration of Doma.
  Namesday    Early 60s  |  21rst Sun of the 3rd Umbral Moon
  Gender    Cis-Male
  Pronouns    He/Him
  Religion    Kami
  Race    Viera, Rava
  Tribe    Wylfings: A fiercely physical tribe deeply connected to spirituality, their bond with wolves is steeped in symbolism, reflecting their strength and unity.
  Orientation    Demisexual: Doesn't show attraction in the conventional sense, but can still experience romantic and sexual attraction once a deep emotional connection has been established.
  Status    Married: Yeona Kha - Wife for over 20 years, but separated for 10; renewing vows TBA.
  Occupation    Mercenary | Exorcist | Wanderer
  Alignment    Chaotic Good: Kyori follows tradition but prioritizes justice, guided by his own sense of fairness, striving to make a positive impact.
  MBTI   INTJ-T: Known for his strategic thinking and adherence to tradition, Kyori is independent, challenges norms, and prioritizes what he believes is right. Though confident, his inner conflict reflects his turbulent nature in navigating moral decisions.
  Seiyuu    JP: Yuki Kaji  | EN: Darren Barnet

Kyori is deceptively aloof, defined by his gentleness, compassion, and formidable combat skills. His primary characteristic is his vow to despense justice indiscriminately, reflecting his deep-seated connection to the forest and his empathy for all walks of life. His vow influences every aspect of his behavior, as he strives to protect without resorting to rash violence or judgement.Despite his peaceful demeanor, Kyori possesses an underlying strength and readiness to shield those around him. He is protective and self-sacrificing, often placing the well-being of others above his own. This often leads him into conflicts that test both skill and resolve to maintain his non-lethal vow.Interactions are marked by his empathy and insight, which allow him to connect deeply with others, including his adversaries. He helps those around him to find peace with their pasts, reflecting his own quest for redemption. His respectful and polite manner, coupled with an distracted presence, endears him to many, concealing his readiness to defend the innocent at a moment’s notice.

    positive traits     Resilient  |  Resourceful  |  Compassionate  |  Loyal  |  Courageous  |  Honorable  |  Determined  |  Empatheticnegative traits Haunted  |  Mistrustful  |  Vengeful  |  Impulsive  |  Stubborn  |  Melancholic  |  Directionally-Challenged

 ASN  ★★★☆☆
 ARC  ★★★☆☆
 CHA  ★★☆☆☆
 DEX  ★★★★★
 HIS   ★★★★
 ING   ☆☆☆☆
 INT   ★★★☆☆

  • Likes  Having Money

  • Likes  Sweet Things

  • Likes  Writing Poetry

  • Likes  Baggy Clothes

"Each of us is on a journey, a path that winds through open fields and dense forests. There are times we find ourselves lost amidst it all, where light barely touches the ground. It's in these moments, in the shadows of doubt and fear, that our true nature can shine the brightest. To be better is not to be without fault, but to recognize our missteps and rise again, wiser and kinder than before."

  INV  ★★★☆☆
 MED  ☆☆☆☆☆
 NAT  ★★★☆☆
 PER  ★★★☆☆
 SOH  ☆☆☆☆
 STH  ★★★☆☆
 STR  ★★★☆☆

  • Dislikes  Spending Money

  • Dislikes  Most Cheeses

  • Dislikes  Singing and Dancing

  • Dislikes  Formal Wear


  •    Hair Color     Black with a faintly red hue easily visible in sunlight.

  •    Eye Color      Left Red, Right Gold

  •    Skin Tone      Khaki / Olive

  •    Height           77.28 ilms (6' 4)

  •    Weight          222.48 ponze (100.81 kg)

  •    Physique       Lean, muscular, unexpectedly strong

  •    Demeanor      Distant, finds solace in companionship.

  •    Laterality       Naturally left-handed, technically ambidextrous.

First Glance:
Kyori, a Viera of slightly above-average height with dark-khaki skin, has long hair typically tied back with high-quality ribbons or ties. Despite his simple and clean appearance, his scarred face and rough hands hint at a past marked by battles. His aloof nature adds to the mystery surrounding him, as he often keeps to himself, revealing little about his inner thoughts and feelings.
Distinctive Aspects:
He stands out not just for his height and complexion, but also for his uniquely animated ears, which resemble horns when upright, yet often remain uncoordinated due to his torn ear that tends to curve inward. Additionally he has a harsh scar that marks the bridge of his nose and underneath his eyes. Those familiar with Garlemald or Ky's past may identify him by the distinctive pattern of his iris, marking him as a survivor of the empire's cruel experiments. Due to this, you may even find him wearing glasses or an eyepatch in crowded places, as to not alarm anyone too attentive to detail.`
It's quite common for the rava to mix Hingan phrases into his speech due to his struggle with Common. This charmingly old-fashioned way of speech also seeps into his conversations in Hingan and Doman. He often switches between being overly polite, maybe as a cover-up, and his true, shy but confidently honest self, still figuring out how to blend strict manners back into his daily life.


   Class     Samurai: "I believe that as a neglected blade grows dull with rust, so too do men forget their purpose. Amidst waning memories of the old ways, a determined few hold fast to their convictions, hands by katana grips, awaiting the moment for steel to sing. I'd like to call myself one of those few."

   Passive     Enma: "A tsukumogami forged from the blood of countless victims in Hingashi's age of blood. Its weilder must have a harmonious spirit, lest they lose themselves to bloodlust and thirst to expel its Aramitama through combat. Only then will their Nigimitama reign free."

   Ability      Iaijutsu: "Much of my spirit is channeled through Enma, empowering my strikes. But even then, executing an Iaijutsu correctly requires you to enter a battle trance called 'Sen'. I could only obtain such meditative mastery through intense discipline and training."

    Ability      Soru: "This technique allows me to move at extremely high speeds in order to avoid attacks, and to attack at higher speeds and with greater power. It may sound obsurd, but the trick is to kick off the ground at least ten times in the blink of an eye."

   Ability    Ikishoten: "When my spirit becomes unbalanced in the height of combat, Aramitama envelops the sword and begins to corrupt me, and my blade goes black. I begin to lose myself to my most primal urges, but if its controlled...well, it serves its purpose as an unrivaled power."

    Limit Break      Utsushikunitama: "Revealing Enma with one swift motion, I harness the entirety of our stored Aramitama to create a series of spatial rifts. These rifts manifest as razor-sharp, ethereal slashes that can cut through reality itself. "

(Frequently used skills, and a way for me to nerd him out as a MOBA character.)


Following a violent past as a lethal duelist and assassin, Kyori Lunara was dubbed “Mazoku Battōsai” or to many “Battōsai”, during his early years journeying from Koshu to the west. This transformation from a feared killer to a wandering swordsman seeking redemption is central to the viera’s beliefs going forward, as he wants to bring honor back to the samurai name.As Battōsai, Kyori was a lethal swordsman known for his foreign heritage, unmatched skills, and cold-bloodedness. After a civil conflict, which began with the death of Kyori’s master, he became the ronin wielding a tsukumogami, which allowed him to use his inner wild spirit to enhance his abilities at the price of risking his aether being possessed by the sword. Using the blade, he spread his wrath throughout Hingashi after the death of his master.Throughout the years, Kyori traveled across Othard and journeyed east. He fled Hingashi with his wife but the pair still offered protection and sought justice for those who couldn’t defend themselves. That was until his wife disappeared at the hands of the Garlean Empire once more. Along the way to rescue her, he reunited with his brother and made formidable allies to launch an assault against the platoon that took Yeona, but she was never found for years to come and presumed dead. Blaming his actions as Battōsai for the disruption of their peaceful life and her death, he vowed never to kill again, and began his life as “The Vagabond.”

Despite entering one of the hardest parts of his life, Kyori found solace in the companionship with his brother and the numerous comrades they made along the way. During the approximate decade of traveling together, their skills were frequently called upon as they helped those suffering from at the hands of the Empire, the Calamity and various foes new and old alike threatening the peace of the Seventh Umbral Era. The duo would eventually come to settle down in Eorzea, leaving behind their wandering lifestyles.Life in Eorzea for Kyori was shadowed by persistent threats and whispers from his past, with attempts on his life orchestrated by hidden factions within the Hingan Bakufu. Driven by a mix of dread and hope, Kyori returned to Hingashi to delve into a conspiracy suggesting that his wife might still be alive.In Hingashi, Kyori navigated the criminal underworld, trading favors with the Yakuza for information, using his samurai skills as currency. His search led him to an inn in Kugane, run by a woman who bore a striking resemblance to Yeona. It was indeed her, living under a new name, her past life disguised as an innkeeper. Their reunion led to a campaign against the network of corruption that ensnared them, using their skills to dismantle the conspiracy and cleanse Kugane of corruption.

Using the inn as their base, they orchestrated a series of strikes against key figures in the trade center's political and criminal hierarchy. With each move, they unraveled the fabric of conspiracy that had sought to use Kyori as a pawn in a larger game of power. Their actions, precise and vengeful, eventually brought about the downfall of several high-ranking officials and Yakuza leaders, cleansing Kugane of whatever corruption they could, even if only barely.Choosing the life of wandering hermits, Kyori and Yeona dedicated themselves to roaming the landscapes of Hingashi and beyond, wherever evil spirits and strife lurked. With Kyori's samurai training and Yeona's mystical prowess, they became guardians of peace once more, exorcizing malevolent forces and spreading tranquility in the troubled outskirts of the east. Their journey was one of healing not only for the lands they traversed but also for themselves, as each exorcism and act of kindness helped mend the scars of their past ordeals.While they reveled in the camaraderie and comfort of Izayoi's company, Kyori and Yeona could not shake their longing for the solitary beauty of the countryside they had left behind. Their hearts remained tethered to the dream of a home of their own, a place where they could renew their vows and live out their days surrounded by the natural beauty that had first shaped their souls. Yet, as they watched the sun set over Eorzea, sharing tales of their adventures with Izayoi and his patrons, they knew their journey was not yet complete. But one day. they'll be back on the countryside, an infamous glass of Hingan cider in their hand, enjoying the setting sun in eastern skies.

  Despite his difficulties in tribal life, Kyori found solace in the relationship he had with his family, including his elder brother Izayoi. At the time, his brother was renown for being the prodigal son, with the highest expecations from the village elders thrust upon him. This made Kyori's reputation as the runt of his siblings and an inability with aether stand out even more amongst his peers, as they expected the same level of greatness throughout his lineage.  

Leaving Golmore:

"My life began in the lush, untamed wilderness of the Golmore Jungle, where thick canopies shaded the forest floor and the air was filled with the mystic whispers of ancient trees. I was born into a beastly Rava tribe, a secretive people with deep ties to the natural world. As a young Viera, I was destined to become a Wood Warder, a sacred guardian of the forest. However, the training to become a Wood Warder was notoriously harsh, pushing many young Viera, including myself, to our limits.From a young age, I felt a disconnect with the stringent traditions of my tribe. The rules of the "Green Word," which governed every aspect of Viera life and isolated us from the outside world, weighed heavily on me. My restless spirit craved exploration and freedom, not the life of silent duty my elders prescribed. At thirteen, driven by a desire to see the world beyond the thickets of Golmore, I made the heart-wrenching decision to leave my tribe. This act of leaving, seen as selfish by my people, meant a permanent exile—once I stepped beyond the forest’s embrace, I could never return."

  Before finding his master, Kyori was a nuisance in Doma. He started as a pickpocket, then as he became more desperate he resulted in executing more drastic crimes and even involving himself with Doman Yakuza at a young age. His master was the only reason he rejected a life of crime, finding purpose in helping others and extracting his own sense of justice for the greater good.  

  Kyori went nameless for two years following his escape from the Golmore Jungle. It wasn't until Taka-sama fully embraced Kyori as his student that he was given the name "Kyori Lunara," derived from his tribal name, "Kyr-kaja Djt-Dvre". "Kyori" meaning "Distance, named after the young boy's journey, and "Lunara" from myths of ancient samurai, gaining power and extracting justice in moonlight.  

Mentorship in Doma:

"Venturing into the unknown, I eventually found myself in Doma, a land that seemed like a different universe compared to my jungle home. Here, I met Michitaka Kotokawa, a samurai burdened by his past and haunted by the spirit of his deceased wife. Initially, Taka-sama saw me as a mere nuisance, a boy shadowing his steps. But over time, as we faced spirits and adversities together, our relationship evolved into that of master and apprentice. He's the reason I have such strict code for a samurai."

The promise:

"We journeyed across Doma, and I learned not just to wield a sword, but also to connect with the spirits of the natural world, a skill that seemed to replace my own lack of magical aether abilities due to a birth defect. We bonded and accomplished many goals before Taka-sama fell ill. When he passed away, he left me a powerful artifact, his Soul Stone, entrusting me with the mission to return it to his own master in Hingashi. But shortly after...was the Garlean Occupation. I was caught in the turmoil."

  The couple settled down in the countryside, tending to a large rice farm, orchard, and stables for various animal-life. They primarily sold rice wine, apple cider, and Chocobo to traders local and foreign alike. Ky always wanted a quiet life tending to nature, while his wife was an avid lover of wildlife, and together they happily enjoyed their solitude.  

Yeona and Hingashi:

"In the depths of a Garlean prison, my life took another unexpected turn when I met Yeona Aerandir, a fellow Viera who had also been captured. Despite the bleakness of our situation, confined and isolated, we found solace in each other’s company, our voices carrying through the cold prison walls. Our shared experiences, the pain of experimentation, and the loss of freedom deepened our bond.When a catastrophic experiment led to chaos within the facility, we seized our chance and escaped, our spirits marred but unbroken. We fled to Hingashi, where I sought to fulfill my late master’s last wish. I presented the Soul Stone to Lord Enma Kotokawa of the Dragon Clan. Recognized for my loyalty and prowess, I was welcomed as a retainer and eventually became one of Lord Enma’s trusted advisors. But peace was short-lived. During a prestigious clan tournament, a conspiracy unfolded that framed me for murder, threatening to destroy the Kotokawa clan. Lord Enma, foreseeing the dire consequences, urged me to flee to protect my own life and the honor of the clan.With my wife, I eventually fled Hingashi under dark circumstances, our departure marked by betrayal and intrigue. As we navigated the treacherous waters away from Hingashi, Garlean spies ambushed us. The attack was brutal, and I lost Yeona to the sea, her fate unknown. It was then I set out to find my wife or to bring justice to those who had torn us apart."

  Kyori actually keeps in contact with most of the friends he's made along his long journey to Eorzea from Hingashi. This transition made it easier to lead a life in the west for a time, despite the nagging feelings of his duty unresolved. For a while, he was content with vanquishing evil where needed indiscriminately, as moving on is what he thought his master and wife would have wanted for him.  

  Yearning companionship, Ky did his best to try to move on over the years, attempting to 'date' and even starting a relationship with an old friend. His conflict with his past and the loss of his wife made him a terrible partner, which was a contributing factor of leaving behind Eorzea. His feelings for Yeona and her death made him unable to be close to people wo loved him.  

The Journey West:

"Returning to our native Golmore Jungle, I discovered nothing but ruins and remnants of our tribe. In this moment of despair, I reunited with my blood brother, now going by the name of Izayoi, who had survived the destruction. Together, we embarked on a decade-long journey seeking justice and retribution against the Garlean Empire, a quest that brought us both healing and unyielding resolve."


"Ultimately, I settled in Eorzea, where Iza and I found peace in the rhythms of city life. I mean, he even opened a bar. However, I just couldn't shake off the constant thoughts of Yeona's disappearance. Despite the semblance of peace, the echoes of my past battles and the losses I had endured continued to drive me forward, caught between my duties as a samurai and my yearning for a reunion with my beloved."


     Through Shadow and Spirit     

Given his reputation as a former legendary assassin turned protector, those in need of protection from bandits, corrupt officials, or other dangers might look to Kyori for defense and security. He also has the ability to commune and exorcise spiritual beings, guiding their souls back to the lifestream, something he's able to act upon more efficiently with the assistance of his wife, Yeona. Ever the empty wallet, however, Kyori does sell his services when needed despite being more than willing to help those that need it free of charge. But if the situation is dire enough, no price or poster would keep him from being where he is needed.

     Sword of a Big Deal     

Renowned for his exceptional skills with a sword, Kyori practices Naiki Tōitsu-ryū, a powerful and swift sword-fighting technique highlighting a comprehensive approach to martial arts that integrates spiritual, mental, and physical elements. The rava also has a vast knowledge of eastern history and combat, making him a valuable resource for those seeking to learn about different forms of martial arts. These practices go beyond just physical techniques, as he also provides a deeper understanding and appreciation for the cultural and historical context behind them. For him, the sword is a way of life, one he dedicates himself to fully.

     One Brick at a Time     

Having once called Doma his home, Kyori joins the restoration efforts, dedicating time when he can to help revitalize the ravaged landscapes that shaped his early years. His efforts extend from reconstructing homes shattered by conflict to replanting the verdant forests that were once hallmarks of Doma's natural beauty. By nurturing saplings and helping where he can, Kyori becomes not just a participant but a pillar of hope for the community, inspiring others as they work together and heal from the deep wounds of the Occupation. The least he can do for his master's resting place is promise a future where Doma can once again thrive.

     Soul of the Samurai     

“From noble vassals to magical swordsmen, the number of samurai have grown tremendously over the years with each master honing their craft a bit more than the last. But to those who walk our path, hear me now: yours is a path of service. To your master, your country, or your world you've pledged your blade and your skills to this honorable cause. Through rigorous training you've honed your body. And with peaceful meditation you've calmed your mind. Now there is only you and your task. As such your opponents will start to realize that once you've taken your stance, there's nothing in this world you cannot cut.”


With a long-standing bounty on his head, he is constantly on guard against the ever-increasing number of challengers who seek to prove themselves against him. Despite his attempts to turn a new leaf and live a peaceful life, Kyori's past continues to haunt him. As Battōsai, he was feared and revered by many, and as The Vagabond, he was respected by many more. Yet, his enemies still harbor grudges against him, old and new, no matter how much time passes. Despite the challenges that come his way, Kyori remains determined to protect his newfound peace, even if it means facing his past once again.

     Let It Go     

Kyori's history with the Garlean Empire is both long and complex. Initially just an experiment by the VIth Imperial Legion, his relationship with the Empire has seen both conflict and moments of forgiveness. His involvement deepened when his brother was captured by Larryce Quo Hydrus, reminding him of the Empire's ruthlessness. This experience left Kyori conflicted but taught him valuable lessons about forgiveness and standing up for what's right. Despite the challenges, he remains committed to making peace with his past and moving towards a brighter future, including making peace with Garlemald.

     Tsugi no Hedatari     

The Vagabond's past was a complex web of relationships, both friendly and hostile. Those who had known him in his younger days were drawn to him for a myriad of reasons. Some might seek to reconcile old grudges, while others may want to catch up on lost time. It's hard for Ky to forget a face, even if he does forget everything else. He may even have a nickname for you! As time passes, Kyori often found that people appreciated his unique blend of humor and wisdom, which added layers to their reunions. Despite the shadows of his past, he's nevery shy to meet old friends with a smile, ready to share stories or lend an ear.

     The Sword-Drawing Demon?     

His mysterious aura, combined with tales of his past deeds and his current vow never to kill again, could draw individuals driven by curiosity or fascination with the legendary "Battōsai." Whether you know of his past or not, meeting Kyori can be an intriguing experience. His peaceful demeanor and insightful conversations make him a compelling figure to those seeking wisdom or hoping to understand the deeper truths of his transformative journey. As a result, Kyori often finds himself approached by those who wish to learn from his experiences or simply share a moment with the famed swordsman.

  繋がり                               (click on icons for more info)

     Izayoi Saito                 Brother

Kyori's blood brother and fellow warrior. Though he has a complex way of showing it, Iza is one of the few people Ky would proudly stake his life on. Due to their time together their personalities seem to rub off on one another, like Kyori teaching him Hingan and Doman over the years and adapting his brother's lax way of speech. Despite differences in etiquette and manners, they are undeniably a fearsome team and cover each other's weaknesses. You may find them working together, but their lives aren't as intertwined as it once was. Still, he is a source of comfort and understanding, as nothing breaks their strong bond.

     Yeona Aerandir                 Wife

It's hard to view Yeona without a profound sense of admiration, gratitude, and respect. She embodies justice and bravery, supporting him as they stand up to wrongdoing and injustice, her strength sparking inspiration when they face tough times. Together, they act as protectors of peace, committed to defending the innocent and facing down dark forces. Yeona also represents a sense of home for Kyori, offering a comforting space of peace and belonging amid life’s turmoil. More than a partner, she is his guiding star, navigating the storms of their shared odyssey with enduring courage and faith.

     Alduin Ro                 Nakama

Alduin is one of the few people who has seen Kyori at his worst, but that doesn't necessarily make them the closest. This started when they met and traveled under tense circumstances, but continued the more they spent time together. They clash in both personalities and ideals, but that may be because they actually have more in common with one another than they seem to think. Nevertheless, as one of the strongest people he's ever encountered, she is still trusted as a fierce rival, a good comrade, and (all things considered) a close friend. He feels the need to smoke when she and his brother are in the same room together.

     Silas Vorona                 Brother-Figure

Another big brother? No...just Silas, a viera Kyori finds himself reuniting with in his time in Eorzea. Welcoming the young rava with guidance when many others wouldn't in the pits of Hingashi, teaching him sign and general studies. Kyori is deeply indebted to Silas and loves him like a brother. However as the years went by, he found their relationship wavering as they separated down opposing paths in life. From withholding secrets to performing a line of work he was gravely against...there are a number of reasons they have become distant. But Kyori would be there for him as swiftly as he'd be there for Izayoi. He's part of the family.

    Sharu Marzanasch & Hery       Nakama

Yes...the haunted armor who talks funny. At least, that was the origin of their acquaintanceship. Iza was not a stranger to collecting and displaying treasure or valuables around, so when Sharu spoke for the first time it was quite a sight to behold. A tall, regal man of gigantic proportions, Sharu has proven himself to be a capable and honorable warrior that Ky has an eye out for. His heavy and close-quarters grappling fighting style seemed simplistic at first, but he was quickly proven wrong by Sharu's sheer might. He's just glad the big guy's on their side. After all, this samurai is scared of no man, but that menacing, hungry aura he senses from the duo, scares him.

     Cordelia Anderson           Sister-in-Law

The level of beastmaster that must be acquired to tame a man like Izayoi is no laughing matter. All jokes aside, Ky has a somewhat rocky relationship with Cordelia though it has nothing to do with her as a person. She is very sweet, gentle, and soft-spoken, and all around a positive person and influence to have in one's life. But...Ky has a problem. Ky knows how the pain of loss greatly affected him and his people -- both viera and Hingan alike. Which is precisely why he has such a skewed relationship with her. With no warning, she was suddenly thrusted into his life as the most important woman on the star to his brother. If something were to happen to Delia, then Iza would...